If you're a current college student or just graduated, you would definitely know that eating on campus can be pretty expensive. I don't know what got to me this week, but everyday this week I didn't bring my own lunch from home. Instead I used my limited amount of money and spent it all on Togo's sandwiches, chips and soda. So healthy, right!? BEEEEP! AH!
When I started the Fall semester three weeks ago, the first few weeks I did not spend one penny on campus for food and I was so proud of myself after checking my account by the end of second week. I think not going to the market with the family last Sunday evening really stings you hard on the butt. They bought nothing but meat and poultry for weeknight dinners, bag of Cheetos for my brother, peaches and lots of peaches (i am not a major fan of eating peaches everyday), and a other unknown/probably not the healthiest of items I know of. I know I am stubborn and not appreciative enough for what we have on the dinner table, but I am trying my best to stick to this new healthy life style and will do what I have to do to reach that goal - to be healthy.
When I started the Fall semester three weeks ago, the first few weeks I did not spend one penny on campus for food and I was so proud of myself after checking my account by the end of second week. I think not going to the market with the family last Sunday evening really stings you hard on the butt. They bought nothing but meat and poultry for weeknight dinners, bag of Cheetos for my brother, peaches and lots of peaches (i am not a major fan of eating peaches everyday), and a other unknown/probably not the healthiest of items I know of. I know I am stubborn and not appreciative enough for what we have on the dinner table, but I am trying my best to stick to this new healthy life style and will do what I have to do to reach that goal - to be healthy.
Agenda for the weekend is to definitely catch up on my class assignments, wash car, walk the dog and most importantly go to the market and make meal ideas for next week. Hopefully I can find what I can get for my budget. I'll keep you posted on how I did! Wish me luck!
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